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Jaringan komputer (jaringan) adalah sebuah sistem yang terdiri atas komputer-komputer yang didesain untuk dapat berbagi sumber daya (printer, CPU), berkomunikasi (surel, pesan instan), dan dapat mengakses informasi(peramban web). Tujuan dari jaringan komputer adalah
Agar dapat mencapai tujuannya, setiap bagian dari jaringan komputer dapat meminta dan memberikan layanan (service). Pihak yang meminta/menerima layanan disebut klien (client) dan yang memberikan/mengirim layanan disebut peladen (server). Desain ini disebut dengan sistem client-server, dan digunakan pada hampir seluruh aplikasi jaringan komputer.
Dua buah komputer yang masing-masing memiliki sebuah kartu jaringan, kemudian dihubungkan melalui kabel maupun nirkabel sebagai medium transmisi data, dan terdapat perangkat lunak sistem operasi jaringan akan membentuk sebuah jaringan komputer yang sederhana.: Apabila ingin membuat jaringan komputer yang lebih luas lagi jangkauannya, maka diperlukan peralatan tambahan seperti HubBridgeSwitchRouterGateway sebagai peralatan interkoneksinya.

Hello guys... whats up fella misteryhow are you.. okay is not it? Surely clothes should be fine because whyBecause this time I want invites you all to have fun with a lot of information and also a lot of insight that is sure to lose if you are not listened well ... anyway.. This time I will discuss about the bridge guys, .. of course as usual we will discuss will be very interesting and unique from the others, .. want to know what's interestingWant to know what is slangAnd want to know what the mystery.? Comrade mystery here we go ....
We will discuss about.. "Blood bridges" 

precisely located in the eastern village of Ponggok Blitarcommunities used to call "BOK BANG "which means that the Java language is a red bridge but it needs to be underlined because the bridge is not the famous red bridge in solo central java, but it is meant here is blood red , .. yups other word is a bridge that is easy to understand blood, it may sound strangemysterious and mystical as well as arguably the impression there is a little horror in it..
I personally was so very interested in the story of the bridge's own blood despite the fact that I do not accidentally get blood bridge idea is to fulfill my duties ujikom first vocational high school udanawu VHS1UDANAWU aka fancy term,. Hehehee..
I carry this theme because in addition to fulfilling my duty Ujikom but I also want to introduce the community and around the world that actually exists in Indonesia is very much the place a very unique and interesting that we can not possibly find the country other than history interesting, but the core and also the mandate of the conclusions and the mandate contained therein so very well we learn, never to let furthermore directly refer to his story according to sources of reliable information along with some pictures that I took at the time of observation yesterday.. maybe just one leaked to clothes that I own typing and working on this blog at night in the rain and the lightning so you can probably imagine how I dramatized my job is hehehee ....
This is it..

The bridge was built during the Dutch colonial period were very cruel and if we count count age was more than 80th and as old as my grandmother heheee, .. everything, .. This bridge was originally built like a bridge to another bridge as a crossing that connects the village with the other Ponggok were hampered by the river, the bridge is a bridge should be used properly by the local community as well as possible is used to pass the ancient Dutch VOC and even under bridges This berembunyi agartak some ordinary visible by the Company.
Indonesia at that time began to rise from adversity so on August 17, 1945 Indonesia managed an independent and rather a few days before the airing of independenceprecisely in the blood of the bridge is very similar to what happened a fierce battle between the archipelago by the Company troops and colonists at the time this war lasts just above bridge
supposedly tens or even hundreds of people have died nationwide as well as the Company over the bridge so as to make the bridge that was originally worn only colored red like a thick bamboo covered with blood even more invisible the original color of the bamboo material is essentially the substance of the bridge itselfSince the bloodshed surrounding communities since menyebt bridge as "BOK" BANG "which means blood red bridge aliat bridge..
that was the origin of the blood bridges are located in areas Ponggok Blitar, and maybe if you want to feel the sensation of the mystical in this place you can directly visit Blitar because the story is not only there.
Currently 'BOK' BANG 'aka blood bridge has been renovated and has become a bridge strong enough and well built, and the bridge has always been painted in red so as not to forget the identity of this place that you could say that having a strong historical value.
In addition to the strong historical valuewould be much better if we also know the value of mystical value contained in the bridge.
This is it,.

 Overview if we look at the bridge when his day probably would not make any difference to the bridge another bridge and there is absolutely no impression of mysticalbut if we start asking people around the bridge area blood may be very astonished us with their stories because they mystical story this one up once in the newspaper into one-minute news on the surrounding area and even kediri Blitar.
According to the story of the people and never circulated newspaperis precisely in the area Ponggok "BOK BANG" aka blood bridge this ever happened mystical events that may be practically very strangebecause according to the source of info there are some people who see dozens of ghost pocong aka Indonesia dressed in white were lined like soldiers being lined up and with no small amount so this news adds powerful mystique of the bridge itself
It is one of the true story that never circulated in newspapers and even local television... other than that according to the info the bridge is a bridge where PKI massacres in the past known for his cruelty in the torture and killing..

Maybe if we observe right near the bridge there are reco aka Java language terms are statues and temples that have writing CATUR WIKU TERUS MANUNGGAL which has many meanings in it..
If you are crazy mystery may not be quite satisfied if I just give enough info there alone, yups right, .. I still have more info on this and bridges blood...
This is it, ..
Besides mystical events that are difficult to digest reasoning that there was a ghost who lined up like soldiers, of course, there's more mystical thing that could be a consideration if we do not believe in the existence of other beings... and one of that info is,, .. proper blood dijembatan been accidents buses driven by a driver who said the driver in good condition fine so little suspicion of the accident, and worse still when the accident happened all passengers no survivors so that all passengers are on the bus when it plunged into the river.
It was said that the people around there are some bodies from the crash were not found and identified in the river driftbut not a few who argue that the accident and the loss of these bodies is because the bridge is haunted.
Because keangkerannya communities believe that if we each pass through the bridge must be in a state of good heart and a quiet mind concentration and should not have an empty mind, and said that dirty so residents always keep their attitude to the world like meghargai each other.
And for the last information to supplement and complement our knowledge stretcher bridge my blood isevery day a certain day residents usually discriminate procession ritual prayer with sow flowers on the bridge as the Javanese tradition of their way to always keep the good of weeks to all.
After reading this blog what you think about the bridgeAre you still going to throw out the car window Sambah you this gracious dbuang when there is a bridgeOr you will always always appreciated the cleanlinessAnd I'm also very curious what you think about the historyAnd another thing, what do you think of this rich countryIndonesia?
I hope this story we can reap the well meaning contained in it that we should always be thankful you what we have today with all the rights that sometimes makes us moan
Everyone, ... I hope my blog can be useful and wait for further stories about the diversity of Indonesia and yes all the wealth of culture indonesiku..
Always on yes..... I'll see you on the other blog., ..

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